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html table

<h3> Course details </h3><br>
<ul type="disc">
<li> Computer Science and Engineering </li>
<li> Information Technology</li>
<li> Electronics and Communication </li>
<ol type="I" start=4>
<li> Mechanical Engineering</li>
<li> Electronics and Electrical Engineering</li>
<h3> Subject Details </h3><br>
<dt> Web Technologies</dt>
<dd> This subject is related to the technologies used in web applications</dd>
<a href="d:\feroz\gfec\wtlab\asgm1.html">back</a>
Table is one of the most useful HTML constructs. Tables are find all over the web application. The main use of table is that they are used to structure the pieces of information and to structure the whole web page. Below are some of the tags used in table.
<table align=”center” | “left” | “right”
border=”n” width=”n%” cellpadding=”n”
Every thing that we write between these two tags will be within a table. The attributes of the table will control in formatting of the table. Cell padding determines how much space there is between the contents of a cell and its border, cell spacing sets the amount of white space between cells. Width attribute sets the amount of screen that table will use.
<tr> ….. </tr>
This is the sub tag of <table> tag, each row of the table has to be delimited by these tags.
This is again a sub tag of the <tr> tag. This tag is used to show the table heading

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