My Blog List

HTML code showing list tags.

<a href="F:\feroz\wtlab\prog1\list.html"> List </a><br>
<a href="F:\feroz\wtlab\prog1\table.html"> Table </a><br>
One of the most effective ways of structuring a web site is to use lists. Lists provides straight forward index in the web site. HTML provides three types of list i.e., bulleted list, numbered list and a definition list. Lists can be easily embedded easily in another list to provide a complex but readable structures. The different tags used in lists are explained below.
<li> …..</li>
The ordered(numbered) and unordered(bulleted) lists are each made up of sets of list
items. This tag is used to write list items
<ul type=”disc” | “square” | ”circle” > …..</ul>
This tag is used for basic unordered list which uses a bullet in front of each tag, every
thing between the tag is encapsulated within <li> tags.
<ol type=”1” | ”a” | “I” start=”n”>…..</ol>
This tag is used for unordered list which uses a number in front of each list item or it uses
any element which is mentioned in the type attribute of the <ol> tag, start attribute is used
for indicating the starting number of the list.
<dl>….. </dl>
This tag is used for the third category i.e., definition list, where numbers or bullet is not
used in front of the list item, instead it uses definition for the items.
This is a sub tag of the <dl> tag called as definition term, which is used for marking the
items whose definition is provided in the next data definition.
<dd> ….</dd>
This is a sub tag of the <dd> tag, definition of the terms are enclosed within these tags.
The definition may include any text or block.
Example 2: HTML code showing list tags.
<title> list page </title>

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