My Blog List

HTML code to implement common tags.

10. tt tag:
This tag is used to give typewriting effect on the text
11. sub and sup tag:
These tags are used for subscript and superscript effects on the text.
<sub> ……….</sub>
12. Break tag:
This tag is used to the break the line and start from the next line.
13. &amp &lt &gt &nbsp &quot
These are character escape sequence which are required if you want to display
characters that HTML uses as control sequences.
Example: < can be represented as &lt.
14. Anchor tag:
This tag is used to link two HTML pages, this is represented by <a>
<a href=” path of the file”> some text </a>
href is an attribute which is used for giving the path of a file which you want to
Example 1:HTML code to implement common tags.
<head> <! -- This page implements common html tags -->
<title> My Home page </title>
<body >
<h1 align="center"> GREEN FORT ENGINEERING COLLEGE</h1>
<h2 align="center"> Bandlaguda, Hyderabad</h2>
<basefont size=4>
<p> This college runs under the <tt>management</tt> of <font size=5> <b><i>&quot
Syed Hashim Education Society&quot &amp it is</i></b></font><br>
affiliated to <strong> JNTU</strong>
<hr size=5 width=80%>
<h3> <u>&ltSome common tags&gt</u> </h3><br>

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