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HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to display the document in the web browsers. HTML pages can be developed to be simple text or to be complex multimedia program containing sound, moving images and java applets. HTML is considered to be the global publishing format for Internet. It is not a programming language. HTML was developed by Tim Berners-Lee. HTML standards are created by a group of interested organizations called W3C (world wide web consortium). In HTML formatting is specified by using tags. A tag is a format name surrounded by angle brackets. End tags which switch a format off also contain a forward slash.
Points to be remembered for HTML tags:
Tags are delimited by angled brackets.
They are not case sensitive i.e., <head>, <HEAD> and <Head> is equivalent.
If a browser not understand a tag it will usually ignore it.
Some characters have to be replaced in the text by escape sequences.
White spaces, tabs and newlines are ignored by the browser.
Structure of an HTML document:
All HTML documents follow the same basic structure. They have the root tag as <html>, which contains <head> tag and <body> tag. The head tag is used for control information by the browser and the body tag contains the actual user information that is to be displayed on the screen. The basic document is shown below.
<head><title> Basic HTML document </title>
<body><h1> Welcome to the world of Web Technologies</h1>
<p> A sample HTML program written by Amer </p>
Besides head and body tag, there are some other tags like title, which is a sub tag of head, that displays the information in the title bar of the browser. <h1> is used to display the line in its own format i.e., bold with some big font size. <p> is used to write the content in the form of paragraph.
Comments in HTML documents start with <! and end with >. Each comment can contain as many lines of text as you like. If comment is having more lines, then each line must start and end with -- and must not contain -- within its body.
<! -- this is a comment line- -
-- which can have more lines - ->

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