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The Incredible Experience of Women Learning Together

Hi Everyone!
I’ve just returned from London this week where I was training men at how to understand and communicate to women, and I have to say I’m overloaded on testosterone.
Immediately, I dove into training the lucky ten women who took advantage of our half-off deal on all disc courses, which is accompanied by three straight nights of free teleseminars with me in person, and a 2 week follow-up on the 30th, all of which was located where you can still get the trainings:
Some of the discussions have been incredible, and we have tailored the courses to the specific interests of the women involved. The funny thing is though, that many don’t realize when you get a disc training course with us, you automatically get from one to three months of free membership in our women’s forums and teleseminars, where I meet with you every Tuesday by phone for two hours anyway.
That's here:
On these member calls, we’ve been discussing romance with the Seventh Sense Program on all the steps of human courtship.
We’ve discussed how to screen men for the right fit to your life, and what amounts to “best friendship” with the KWML Mastery course.
We’ve discussed how to identify mature men of character, aka gentlemen, and how to grow more mature and accomplished yourself with the MindOS Mastery Course.
And finally, we went deep – very deep – into what “feminine instincts” and “masculine instincts” really are. But more importantly, how you can use these in your practical, everyday life. That’s the Complete Feminine Empowerment Course.
Armed with these training programs, our special students of the month are going to work on the specifics of the men they are concerned about, the friendships, career issues, personal growth issues and life choices that they have intuition about, but want step by step instruction at understanding, addressing, taking action and SOLVING – for once and for all.
It’s happening as we speak.
All this education has me thinking about the concept of learning in a group and how important it is.
As I was training men in London at romance for the last two weeks, I took them to some cultural enrichment activities such as the symbolic paintings about romance in the National Gallery of London and the statues and Greek mythology of the British Museum.
While there, I couldn’t help but look up some description of the types of educational venues used by the ancient Greeks, most notably those called “symposia” used in Plato’s time.
Do you know what a symposium was?
It was a partying, educational celebration in which the moneyed men of ancient Greece would induct the young men of Athens into the aristocratic life.
It was for men only, and women were specifically excluded.
In training men and women in gender-specific groups I have to say that while both offer great insights, my time with groups of women by phone have proven to me that the learning styles between men and women are very different.
I don’t know why the ancient Greeks excluded women from learning at these symposia, but if they HAD included them, they would have been as stunned as I am each and every Tuesday when we have our womenshappiness member teleseminars.
The discussions are longer and deeper than the men’s in general, but they tend to wrap science together flawlessly with the arts, literature, drama and philosophy.
Who would have guessed that the Greek goddess Aphrodite branches to today’s Lady Gaga, whose influence has direct impact on a 40 year old woman’s choice in clothing prior to going out on a date with a specific noncommittal man.
That happened this month.
And I get the privilege of being there for the conversation.
I usually am shy about saying, “Look at us! Our programs are incredible! You have to join our membership!”
But after this three day span of teleseminars for ten women in the program, I feel I need to shout it from the rooftops.
As a man, and mere witness to the conversations of the forums and teleseminars at, I have found your questions and issues, utterly PROFOUND.

For me, the highlight of being in the British Museum is what was located right near the front door: the famous Rosetta Stone. This stone tablet found in Egypt helped archaeologists decode the language called Heiroglyphics for the very first time. A language thousands of years old. What helped them do this is that the Rosetta Stone has three separate languages on it which say the same thing - one in Greek, one in ancient common Egyptian, and one in the "picture language" of heiroglyphics itself.
For example, the word for "cat" ends with a detailed drawing of a cat, but is preceded by the sounds "M," "I," and "W" - MIEEW, just like the sound a cat makes. How simple!
If you have already trained at one of our home-study disc courses then you know right where I am going with this: all of our programs take hardcore science, weighty, lofty, complex stuff, and so simplify it that anyone can understand. And yet it doesn't lose any of the scientific power of these technologies of personal growth for women.
What's more, nearly all the questions I get about men revolve around "not understanding their language," or not being understood as a woman in return, or worse - their BEHAVIOR just doesn't make sense.  Is he going to commit? Or not? Are we a match? Or just friends?  What do I say to him? What does his lack of communication or emotion mean?  I want to know.
Normally, I say that men and women speak Chinese and French, respectively, and they just have to learn how to understand the other person's language. But having seen the Rosetta Stone, I'd be even more accurate to say that women speak normal Egyptian, men speak Greek, and what is throughout our courses is really DECODED Heiroglyphics - the common language of BOTH genders.
It's a true "picture language" in the same way, because all courses use diagrams to teach what femininity, masculinity, attraction, love and friendship, self-esteem, maturity, boundaries, teamwork, communication, collaboration, and compromise in relationships even ARE.
And clearly, a picture is worth a thousand words, because you've all been writing me thousands of words to say all the various ways in which these courses help you.
Let's continue to translate between men and women together through the courses at, and grow together as a team at the membership forums and weekly calls of
Bring your friends and join me there right away. I’m waiting for you.

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