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Article Marketing - The Smartest Advertising , Promotion And Communications Tool For The Money

One of the best methods of Internet marketing for small business is through article marketing. Whether your business or project is online or offline, article marketing is simply the lowest cost method of advertising and promotion.

Article marketing, if done right, can be more effective than any other advertising program for your business because of the perfect vertical market targeting capability found with article directories like Ezinearticles and others. Take this article for example, you are reading it because you are interested in Internet and business - Online Internet Marketing, you clicked into that highly specialized article vertical, found this article and presto! You are reading the article! You found what you were looking for… and this happens across a wide spectrum of interests and people who are searching for information to help them solve their problems, whatever they may be.

And that is the power of article marketing. Articles can be written and fine-tuned to do two things very well:

1. Deliver informative and helpful article content for people who need information.

2. Educate and motivate people to inquire into your business by either visiting your website or contacting your business directly by phone for more information. Its called “driving traffic”.

Article marketing is far superior to offline advertising or even online advertising like Google Adsense where you are paying to be visible to everybody whether they are a candidate for your offering or not. This type of mass advertising is expensive and often ineffective. It doesn't always make sense to “pay per click” for online advertising or fling money at traditional offline media for advertising that only appeals to a very small percentage of the demographics. This is especially true when you are selling a niche product or service.

The key to article marketing is in knowing how to write a good article and where to place it online for maximum exposure. Knowing how to write a good article is a lot more complicated than just whacking out some blather… articles must be informative and also take advantage of the nuances of Internet technology to get the kind of readers and the volumes of readers you want. That's the art and science of article marketing! And not everybody is good at it…

What if you aren't a writer but need real estate, business or technology articles to promote your business? Not a problem, just click the link below.

Article marketing is the highest and best use of your advertising dollars because articles stay online and get read by many people over time, which can cause a steady stream of inquiries into your business for a long, long time in the future. Much longer exposure than the flash-in-the-pan effect associated with traditional advertising at a fraction of the cost.

To your success!

Copyright © 2006 James W. Hart, IV All Rights Reserved

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