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I owned one in the form of a great dane. People mounted theirs on car dashboards or rear speaker panels. And when there was motion, the head would bobble while the body remained still.

They were cute, drew attention, and posed little threat. Nobody had anything bad to say about them. And left alone, these ornaments would survive many years.

But lately, I've noticed the same patterns in people...

They exist rather than live. They devour a self-preservation diet. And not making waves becomes high priority.

There's little improvement in their character or income. They plan their weekends better than they plan their future. And they seek gurus who tell them what they want to hear.

Also, they repeat the same actions expecting a higher result. They attract the same victimhood friends into their circles. And they navigate their future with tunnel vision.

And just like a bobblehead—they cruise through life on auto-pilot. They gave up on their dreams they once had. They manifest the same negative stuff. And they're allergic to wise counsel.

Who am I to stir this pot?

I used to be a big bobblehead—so I know. I wasn't going anywhere in life. I couldn't see the forest for the trees. And I sought validation for my lack of progress.

Sure I had the trappings of success: the house, respect from peers, and a good paying job. Yet there was something that remained unfulfilled. But I didn't know what.

I put up with my job, but I no longer felt satisfaction there. Each day I'd report to work feeling insignificant. So I sought outside help. I paid to listen to others who walk their talk.

Prosperity Guru Randy Gage speaks about receiving your assignment. And how fulfilling your life would become. I agree.

Now if we are the assignees—then there must be an assigner.

I believe we receive our assignments from God. We have a loving Creator who wants to bless us by molding and shaping us through our assignments.

And like the movie Mission: Impossible, your personal assignment may seem impossible...

You take risks. You make sacrifices. There are no guarantees. And your family and peers may think you're nuts.

You might even begin your assignment, but retreat at the first sign of resistance. And unlike the movie—there are no retakes. No safety net. And you may receive some setbacks or bad press.

Yet I didn't want to remain a bobblehead for the rest of my life. I chose to accept my assignment. And so have many of you.

Because I have to ask...

If you had a choice to become the lead in one of two movies: would you star in Mission: Possible, or Mission: Impossible?

There is no correct answer. But one movie will dominate the other at the box office.

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