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Men's and Women's "Fitness" Has Nothing to Do With Muscles

One of the most desirable skills women tend to seek at is that ability to not just “screen” men for the right type for you, but to literally “read” their intentions through their behavior.
Not only that. You can practically “predict the future” with a man – good or bad.
Doesn’t that sound like an obnoxious claim?
It’s one of the things that most excites me about these systems for analyzing romance and getting great at the strategies and tactics we teach.
It’s true.
Can we not merely guess that a man who has robbed a bank three times will likely try again? But have a degree of certainty, statistically?
Yes, it’s a reasonable guess.
Can we not only wonder aimlessly whether a man who has spent his whole adult life doing complex surgery can do a superb job on your simple appendectomy?
Yes. Many “risk their lives” on this kind of statistical assurance.
In the world of Evolutionary Psychology, and in the way we apply it and other models of psychology, this ability to “predict the future” about potential mates has been called a “fitness indicator.”
In this week’s blog, we will be looking at romantic “fitness indicators” as they apply to predicting your satisfaction with men in long term relationships.

"Fitness" in Courtship

The Evolutionary Psychologists such as Geoff Miller of the University of New Mexico have made an advance in recent decades above the age old view of Darwins ideas paraphrased in "survival of the fittest."
Instead of describing women's and men's instinctual behavior as just gender-neutral seeking to survive, Miller and others stress the importance of MATE SELECTION as a force of evolution on humans (and other animals.)
This means that a far greater factor in how we grow as a species than ever thought has to do with what is today's dating and socializing.
The reasons we attract each other mean far more than just romance and love. They actually drive our species to develop features to our psychology called "fitness indicators."
These are useful in several ways, and we can actually make them practical, as in the Seventh Sense Program at:

Fitness indicators are basically seen in the animal kingdom as behaviors or physical features that show the other animal to be a great bet to have offspring with. Sometimes, the feature or behavior has no survival use whatsoever, and that's what gave these researchers pause.
For example, the feathers of a peacock - what use to they have? Simply to attract a mate!
Well fitness indicators in humans might include such physical things as a man's large, square jaw, or a woman's waist to hip ratio, but because we have such large cerebral cortexes, our INNER PSYCHOLOGY and BEHAVIOR themselves can be a vast storehouse of "fitness" for mating.
Thus, enters the world of WOMEN'S TESTS of men (in their character, masculinity and general behavior) rather than just his shoulder breadth etc.

The Importance of Being a Woman With "Tests" Up Her Sleeve

When you have mastered these ideas in the Seventh Sense Program, you have a complete arsenal of tools and tactics to size up a man CONSCIOUSLY instead of the UNCONSCIOUS instincts driving you to do these tests outside of your awareness.
In the Seventh Sense Program, there happen to be four kinds of tests of men for you to learn.  Three specific ones root out his degree of masculinity (which means good genes for the offspring, good skills at further reproduction in the offspring), and one general category of tests for his CHARACTER - which indicates the environment the offspring will be raised in will be safe and conducive to their own survival and eventual raising of families.
The Seventh Sense Program is here:


A Sample Test

Let’s take just one type of “test” for men that we cover from all the rest in the Seventh Sense Program at:
I call it a Man-versus-Woman test, out of the four major categories of the tests for men.
So on three occasions this weekend, I’d like you to DISAGREE with a man in a way that both tests him, but preserves his interest in you.
The reason for needing to test him by disagreeing with him is that it firmly places and tests for PERSONAL BOUNDARIES.
Without boundaries, we are incapable of truly committing within relationships. So you need to know a guy has these (and that you do too.) One of the best ways to do this is to discover whether you can “agree to disagree” yet still like each other.
In fact, this skill is the single most important one to guarantee a lifetime of effective communication with your mate.
HOWEVER, this skill and practice at it as a test of men is also easily mishandled in a way that not only turns off the men who don’t pass, but also quality men who would be great in your life, even when they DO pass.
It’s like they’ll say sure, “I respect that you disagree with me,” diplomatically, but then finish the sentence with, “but for some reason I have now lost all attraction for you. See you later.”
Why does this happen?
Because men in their masculinity, just like you in your femininity, need to feel an ELEVATION in their level of it by virtue of knowing you.
This is NOT “fragile egos,” or “weakness.” It’s a chance to either stoke the fires of passion, or extinguish them with the fire extinguisher of male shame feelings.
Here’s how it’s done: the test itself gives the man a chance to rise to the occasion, and WIN, while ALSO giving you a chance to screen out the wrong ones.
So if you word your disagreement in a way in which you just say he’s wrong, and he loses his cool, is overly hurt, jockeys for top position again, or leaves in a huff, then yes, you have screened out a guy who couldn’t have eventually committed.
However, if a quality man does respect you for disagreement with him, but his male instinct that needs to feel of rank and status among other men is diminished or squelched by the WAY the disagreement is communicated, he’ll simply find it unattractive.
Then you can be friends who respect each other, but you’re not so likely to become or remain romantic partners.
Just know this:
Masculinity is tied to how skilled a man feels at attracting women, and how much progress he senses in his career.
So when you disagree with him, you’ll screen OUT the guys who aren’t ready for a commitment, but if you follow up with the phrases below, you’ll then KEEP the quality men who ARE able to commit to you:
“I disagree with you, but I think I’ll stick around anyway. After all, you’re pretty attractive.” (or some variant.)
“I disagree with you, but I don’t suppose you’d have gotten along so far in such an interesting career without being able to tolerate disagreement, right?”

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