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10 Reasons Meetings and Events are Important in Tough Times

When the powers that be come swinging the axe towards your event or meeting, here are ten points to make so they think twice.

The arguments below are very similar to those offered by advertising professionals over the years when advertising is looked at as an unnecessary expense by the cost cutters.

These arguments take a different twist, however, since they were developed with input from meeting planners. Stand firm and you just might be able to convince the powers that be that it is still necessary to hold your meeting or event!

1. Companies that do hold meetings set themselves apart from the masses that are slashing and cutting back. They will have an edge when the economy picks up again.

2. Holding off-site meetings and conventions sends the message that ‘we' as a company are solid.

3. We can have the meeting, but we will keep it low key. It's not politically correct to do something extravagant right now.

4. ROI (return on investment) is always tricky to measure, but for meetings and conventions, we can prove they boost the bottom line: solidified relationships are more important now than ever.

5. Sharing information with all who need it at the same time is critical to the success of our new project or new product launch.

6. Meetings create enthusiasm that is contagious.

7. Hearing an outside voice makes the message more memorable. Enlisting the support of an industry expert will give our content more impact.

8. Using a trained facilitor assures that all points of view are aired and considered.

9. Many members of our organization rarely see each other - productivity will rise from being able to solve common problems that are never broached in e-mail exchanges.

10. For motivation, there is nothing better than face time.

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