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CGR Forum

The Corporate Governance and Responsibility ("CGR") Forum is a unique knowledge generating platform created to identify, address and enable development in the areas of Corporate Governance ("CG") and Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR"), while building an awareness of the importance of Sustainability.

The event was launched in 2007, and is a biennial activity that provides a unique and innovative means for business leaders and CGR champions in the Middle East and North Africa (“MENA”) region to gather at a highly interactive event and discuss relevant issues, share practices and launch initiatives related to CGR.

The speakers at the CGR Forum are comprised of global and regional thought leaders sharing principles, best practices and relevant cases, paving the way for MENA to determine its own unique frameworks, standards and methodologies for CG, CSR and Sustainability.

The CGR Forum is an ongoing engagement by Schema, a leading regional advisory firm focused on CG, CSR, and Sustainability (click here to learn more about Schema).

Following the CGR Forum, and as part of its commitment to developing these practices and supporting organizations in the region, Schema publishes an Output Document that serves to:
  1. Summarize the discussions that took place during the sessions;
  2. Outline the concerns and challenges expressed by the attendees in respect to implementing and advancing CGR principles given the regional legal frameworks and market environment;
  3. Present initiatives that Schema is committed to undertake to address these concerns and challenges by engaging with the private sector, civil society, governments, legislative bodies, relevant organizations and others.
Click here to learn about the CGR Forum 2011, it’s objectives, and value to attendees.

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