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Trump Reacts To Racism Allegations

Donald On Racism
Donald Trump has been stirring fires for the past month. He had been on a campaign to get President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate to prove that he was a citizen. The President did, to no shock at all by what was presented, and that he is indeed a citizen.
The question is, why did Trump care so much? Was it truly because there was legitimate doubt as to our elected President not being a citizen? Surely that kind of information would have kept him from becoming President in the first place. And the fact that he released short certificate proof before.
So why the heated investigation from Trump? Just to stir things up? Is it because of race? Would a white guy that had white dad from Wales even be seriously questioned about his citizenship?
It's all speculation. And then Trump, after that "victory," as he claims, decided to make his next battle to see if Obama deserved to go to the colleges he went to. Why?
Some people think this is racially motivated too, that Trump is suggesting that "affirmative action" got Obama into these schools rather than the qualifications. It's entirely possible, yeah (affirmative action doesn't exactly help you survive and graduate, either), but once again saying that about Trump is all speculation without him saying point-blank, "Yeah, he's black. Let's really make sure he's supposed to be there."
But this hasn't stopped people from being very vocal about the potential racism. CBS Evening News said this:
"That's just code for saying he got into law school because he's black. This is an ugly strain of racism that's running through this whole thing."
So Trump responds:
"That is a terrible statement for a newscaster to make. I am the last person that such a thing should be said about. Affirmative action is out there. It's a program that is available. But I have no idea whether it applies in this case. I'm not suggesting anything."
You have to admit, Donald, it looks pretty fishy. Maybe focus on important issues, even ones that are about Obama and the job he's doing, just watch how you approach them. Just make sure they're absolutely important, otherwise leave'm alone!
Do U think he's racist??

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