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More Business Card Uses

Why would you use an event pass?

Event passes are often used as giveaways to entice people to attend some event. You will find that most time-share companies will have passes to be used to attend their spiel, plus they also give away other goodies. Event passes are used extensively; there is no reason why you cannot put your own together and then distribute them to your potential customers. For example, I have a partnership with Power Marketing and last spring I was tasked with putting on an Executive Breakfast. The breakfast was free to participants. The talk was not a sales pitch; it was simply passing out information about the "Seven Deadly Sins of Selling" based on a white paper they wrote (which is available on my website I created event passes using business cards. The card was not necessary for attendance, but I found most people kept it in their wallet because it was the right size.

We ended up giving away 200 passes which resulted in 117 registrants and then 87 attendees. We were very pleased with the results. You can use passes for entrance into a trade show that would normally have an entrance fee attached, these passes will be deemed much more valuable than the ones I created for Power Marketing. If you want to use the passes as a way for others to get to know you, find an event that you can use for promotion and then distribute event passes to your target audience. You will be surprised at the number of people that will attend just because they have tickets!

The key to event passes is that you do not attach a fee to them. If you decide to charge full price, then selling your event will be a little more difficult. You may, as an alternative, decide to give the buyer a discount. Which ever way you decide to promote the event, the best is always free. Save yourself time in designing passes by using business cards.

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