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Heart Attack : What are the investigations?

The initial diagnosis of a heart attack is made by a combination of: Symptoms,
Electrocardiogram (EKG) changes: An EKG is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart, and can detect areas of ischemic heart muscle (muscle which is deprived of oxygen) and/or dead tissue in the heart.

Cardiac Enzymes Assay:- Cardiac enzymes are muscle proteins which are released into the blood circulation by dying heart muscles when their surrounding membranes dissolve. Such enzymes include creatine kinase (CK); special subforms of CK, LDH and protein called troponin.

Imaging:- Images of the heart and coronary arteries visualized by x-ray, angiograms (visualize the arteries) and radioisotope scans locate specific areas of damage and blockage in the coronary arteries.

Echocardiogram:- Investigation using the ultrasound to evaluate the heart's function and to visualise the chambers of the heart. This investigation helps the attending physician not only to assess the damage done to the heart but also to assess the effect of treatment. It is also an important investigation in the follow-up of the patient.

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