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How to Promote Events

Organising a big event can be incredibly stressful, as there is so much to organise; seating, licensing, entertainment, catering, the list never ends. Whatever you do, make sure you don't forget about promotion. If nobody knows about your event then how do you expect them to come? This article details some suggestions for ways of promoting an event.

One of the most obvious ways of promoting an event is by placing posters up. You could try to place them on the venue where the event is taking place, on community notice boards or even in supermarket windows. Think about where your most-likely attendees are most-likely to see a poster advert for the event, and try to keep poster communications clear and simple. Cluttered posters full of information are often ignored while simple posters which advertise an event in a clear and concise manner often produce better results.

Advertising in local newspapers, magazines or community newsletters can be a good way of informing people about an upcoming event. Think carefully about when to advertise, and how much notice people will need to clear their calendar and attend your event.

A cheaper and potentially more effective way of promoting an event will be to get the publication to write editorial content about it. You could write a press release detailing information about the event, send it to the editor or journalists, and hopefully they will rewrite it into a story and support the promotion of your event.

Alternatively you could look to the internet to promote your event. If website designing and building isn't your thing then perhaps you could consider using social networks like MySpace, Facebook, Bebo or even LinkedIn to advertise the event. Facebook even has specific event controls, allowing you to invite people to RSVP, as well as comment or add photos to an event. The most important part is to ensure that you are reaching people who are in your local area, as telling someone on the other side of the world about your tombola and raffle will be unlikely to yield impressive results.

Whatever method you use, be it posters, emails, text messages or press releases, ensure that your event is well promoted, and thus well attended. In some ways ensuring attendance is the most important part of organising an event. Make sure that all your hard work doesn't go to waste by effectively promoting your advent...

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