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Announcing Events

Why make sure that those you know do know about your event, and keep them informed with printed materials?

Announcing an event can range from very simple for a small party to an onerous task for a larger seminar event. Each has its method of informing attendees. The first thing that comes to mind for an event is the invitation. I rarely get party invitations through the mail these days but I do get them by email. The chance of getting my response is actually higher through the use of print media. It seems like I am being treated as a special person when I get a mailed invitation. There are other ways, of course, that you can use print media to gain attention and attendees for your events.

If you are offering door prizes or free items to the first one hundred attendees, you are more likely to get a larger audience. In this case, you will want to not only have word-of-mouth advertising but also printed ads in the news media, or events listings in the news calendar page. If you want a large enough audience, you will need to choose a variety of ways to get people's attention. Do not just use email; combine it with print ads, and invitations.

Print media is not the cheapest way to inform others about an event, but it is longer lasting than electronic media, it takes more effort and thought to throw out an invitation received in the mail than it does to hit the delete key on your computer.

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