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Margarita and lime spiked cream cheese frosting cupcakes for Cinco de Mayo

This shockingly bright green Cinco de Mayo cupcake comes to us from Blondie's Cakes & Things, a food blogger who also does custom orders in the Chicago area (via The TomKat Studio).

I looked around and found a bunch of recipes, but...ahem...they didn't use enough tequila to really make the cupcake taste "festive". The closest recipe I found was for Mint Julep cupcakes (which sound awesome as well, especially for the derby folks) and this time there was a full cup of booze involved. Now that's more like it! I made a margarita and lime spiked cream cheese frosting to match, topped them with sugar coated lime slices and called it a night. I won't know till tomorrow how they came out, but they sure smelled sweet and boozy, which will make work pretty interesting come tomorrow.

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