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How to Kiss?

THE Basic Skill You'd Better Know!

I get so many questions about just how to kiss. Most guys know it's important, but put too little emphasis on doing it well. They think that what they really need is to know how to get phone numbers. Yes, that's important too, but you'd better have some skills in the kissing area AFTER you use that number to get a date!

kiss tips for teens:

Why is it so important? Women will judge almost everything else about a man by the quality of his kissing. Good kisser = good man. Bad kisser = bad man. Especially when you consider how easy it is to kiss well, there's no reason not to kiss like a pro.
By the way, this isn't meant to say that all women are good kissers either! In fact, less than 1/2 are really any good. But, there another, more important part to the story: of those that aren't very good, many refuse to learn how to BE good!
Why is this? It's a perception issue.
Ask any man if he's a good driver, and he'll tell you "yes". Obviously, not everyone is a good driver, but that doesn't matter. A man has a perception of his ability to operate machinery and since he's a man, he's got to be good at it.

Women feel this same way about kissing! They think that they are great kissers because they're women. Sorry girls, that's not a fact. Many, many of you could use some pointers in the kissing department, so read on.
The Checklist
Before you move in close, check everything - you want this to be a pleasant experience, not something bad or embarrassing:

First kiss how to:       

  • Is your breath ok? Here's how you check: when you're by yourself, (please - don't do this in front of your date!), lick the palm of your hand, then sniff it. If it smells ok, your breath is ok. If not, pop a mint or three.
  • Check your teeth for stray food particles. If you don't have a mirror, a knife, or even the crystal on your watch can help. If you find any, get rid of them!
  • For men: are you clean-shaven or do you have a 3-day old beard. Women's faces are very sensitive. You don't want to go rubbing that sandpaper on her cheek unless she absolutely loves it.
  • Are your lips chapped, or (for women - hopefully), have you just applied lipstick? If you're lips aren't ready for kissing, get them in shape first.
  • Are he or she receptive to being kissed? This is something of a gray area because sometimes a kiss out of the blue can be just the right thing. If you're not sure (or experienced enough to know), don't risk it.
Ok, ready? Let's get started learning the right way to kiss:
How to Begin?
You will probably need to practice as kissing isn't a natural skill. How do you practice? Well, your brother, sister or grandmother aren't good choices. Neither is your dog - I don't care what you hear about their mouths being clean!
It's a good idea to practice on something because you want to learn the "feel" when you're doing it right, (we'll get into that in the next sections.) One way to practice is to use a pillow, the back of your hand or even the inside of your arm. You want something that is soft and "fleshy feeling" - just like your partner's lips will be.

In your practicing, try to imagine the perfect setting - and that you're completely relaxed and confident. Most people spend too much time imagining the worst-case scenario rather than what they WANT to happen. If negative thoughts creep into your mind, stop and get them under control and start again.
Here are the steps to a perfect kiss:
Step #1 - Before you start
Imagine being ready to give your date that first kiss. You probably don't want to just jump on them and plant a big, wet kiss on their mouths. That's far too much, too soon. Instead, you want some build up and drama and appear smooth and confident. Here's how you create that:
First, stop whatever conversation is going on. One way to do this is to wait until it's your turn to talk, (and there is no lingering question in the air, like, "And what will you be having for lunch, sir?") You should watch your conversation pattern anyway. If you're the only one rambling, your date is going to get bored very quickly. Excessive talking is also a sign of nervousness. Try to calm yourself by breathing slowly and deeply. Further, if you're constantly yammering on, it doesn't give anyone the chance to make a move.
Step #2 - The approach
If you're walking or just standing, bringing your partner around to face you can be a very dramatic opening to the first kiss. You can take his or her hands, and draw them toward you. If you're sitting, you'll first need to turn to face your partner. For women, you can even cozy up to them or even sit in their laps!
The next step is to make direct eye contact. Just look into your partner's eyes for a moment. Make it last just a little longer than usual. This actually says that something's about to happen. Look right into them as though you're looking through him or her to an object behind them. Add a soft, confident smile.
Then, slowly move closer. Move as much of your body as you can without actually pressing against them. You might even reach out and take the person's hands to draw them close to you - all while still looking into their eyes.
As you get closer to your target, you want to let your eyes close. Some people kiss with their eyes open, and this can be alarming to some people. Nothing breaks the mood faster than to open your eyes in mid-kiss only to see the other person looking intently right back at you. So, as you get close, let your eyes close.

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