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Girls are counter-intuitive

So what's the trick? Why are some men so dang successful with women and others, well, not so successful?

It may surprise you but women want the same things that men want! They want to be happy and have fun.

tips how do you get all the girls to like you:
Men who are naturals with women, who aren't necessarily any better looking or more wealthy than the rest of us, understand (consciously or unconsciously) exactly how to arouse certain emotions in women that make them feel absolutely wonderful in their presence.
If every time you take a woman out you make her feel like she is a million bucks and give her the time of her life she will never want to leave your side. She will pursue you for... forever.

Unfortunately, the things that will make a man happy will not necessarily make a woman happy and the things that make a women happy probably won't thrill you.

This is where most men screw up. How do you make a woman feel like a princess? How do you give her the time of her life? What does it take to be successful with girls?
Some common ideas:

If you are interested in a girl you should shower her with attention.

If you want to keep a girl from cheating you should monitor her contact with other guys.

If you want to motivate a girl to get into a relationship you should let a girl know what you want and what you feel.

If you want to get phone numbers you have to talk to as many girls as you can.

If you want to make a girl happy you should shower her with gifts.

Sounds good, right?

Dating and seduction is counter-intuitive. Typically, what the natural, untrained man assumes he should do in any given romance situation will, in fact, achieve the exact opposite of the result he desires. This leaves men frustrated and confused wondering what on earth women want.
Well, let's review for a moment the driving force of the majority of the population of our western society in the 21st century.... people want what they can't have.

Now let's take that one step further... once someone has what they wanted they want something bigger, better, and faster.

The influence these two statements have in our dating culture is profound. Let's look at the examples I listed above:

If you are interested in a girl you should shower her with attention.

Hmm. Seems logical but the fact is a woman enjoys doing some of the pursuing (to a certain extent.) Usually they will deny this till they are blue in the face but the truly wise and successful daters know that to get a girl to pursue you you must peak her interest and then back off. Don't call her all the time, don't initiate contact with her, and don't let her know every detail of your life.

If you want to keep a girl from cheating you should monitor her contact with other guys.

Jealousy. Many otherwise confident men destroy their "knight in shining armor image" with this one. DO NOT ACT JEALOUS. Smile when you see her talking to other guys. Heck, pull up a chair for the fellow. The truth is if a girl is going to cheat on you or leave you for another guy she is going to do it. Being jealous just makes you look like an insecure idiot which makes it even more likely.

If you want to motivate a girl to get into a relationship you should let a girl know what you want and what you feel.

Perhaps one of the most common mistakes. Remember, people want what they can't have. Don't let her know she has you. Make her think that you are still deciding whether or not she is worthy of your time and energy. Keep her on her toes. Saying things like "I really, really like you." and, of course, "I want to marry you." too soon in a relationship reassure her and let her know that she has you in the bag... booooring.

If you want to get phone numbers you have to talk to as many girls as you can.

We try too hard. It seems to make sense, if you want to succeed at something you have to work hard to get it, right? Nope. Quit trying so hard and watch your success rate double. Women can sense needy men and they don't find it attractive... at all.

If you want to make a girl happy you should shower her with gifts.

Perhaps the most counter-intuitive of all. Buying a girl too many gifts is a bad thing. She will lose respect for you. Unless, of course, the woman is using you for the material benefits but we won't get into that. If you get a woman too many gifts the act of gift giving will lose it's excitement and it won't be a special event anymore. Give less gifts but put more thought into the ones you give.

In summary:

Women have tons of men approaching them begging them for dates and attention. They know that they can pick or choose any man they want. To separate yourself from the herd of other pursuers you must arouse emotions of excitement, suspense, and drama for her. Doing what your head tells you to do will eliminate these feelings in her. She will know that she has you and will look elsewhere for something she "can't have" or you will have made such an ass of yourself that she is no longer attracted to you.

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