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Is He Flirting With Me?

I am terrible at reading signs from men. I never seem to know if they are flirting with me or just being friendly. How can I tell if a man is flirting with me or not? Are there some sure fire signs that maybe I can look for?
~ Evangeline (28)
Male Body Language Flirting:

For starters, even though a man might be flirting with you, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Flirting is a nice way for people to be playful and have fun. However, there are some signals that you can send that will help let a man know you're interested while allowing the two of you the pleasure of him pursuing you.
  1. Smiling is essential for a man who has sensitivity. Without a smile he assumes you're not interested and he doesn't want to be pushy or risk a rude put-down.
  2. Eye contact that lasts just a little longer than is comfortable. Watch how you want to drop your eyes when you look at a man you find attractive. Begin to allow that look to linger...just a little longer, with a hint of a smile. Definitely sends a message but yet keeps it feminine, which men love.
  1. In conversation, touch his arm a couple of times. That breaks that barriar and releases the tension that's caused when two people are attracted but not quite sure where they stand. Do it casually in conversation, maybe laughiing at something he's said. Just lean into that laugh and touch his forearm, in a way that says, "Oh you silly, that's very funny." If you're not sure, watch how other women do it. It should be absolutely natural. Practice on friends. Actually, practice all these things, the smiling, the eye contact and touchiing on people with whom there is no pressure, people you are not attracted to.
  2. Ask questions that get them to talk about themselves...then listen. The best conversationalist is a good listener. Go to The Friendship Game at the botton of the left menu and use those questions to get men to talk more personally about themselves. They'll think you're marvelous and quite witty.

  3. Online, the same thing about listening applies. Ask great questions then appreciate them for sharing.
  4. Online and in general, don't go into very much detail about your crazy side, if you have one. A man doesn't want to think you turn into a monster before your period, or that you can't get along with anyone. What men are looking for are attractive women (you don't know how un-fussy they are), who are happy, self-assured, comfortable with themselves, and enjoy being women. That's all. Oh yes, and a woman who isn't angry at men, appreciates them, and makes them feel special and a man.
  5. Online and in general, don't ever be crass unless you want to be treated disrespectfully. Don't swear and don't lose control. Be a lady and you'll go far.

original published at:, Kare Oh is author of "Men Made Easy"

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